Tag - short videos for business

Use Short Videos to Promote your Business

We have come a long way when it comes to using ways to promote a business. It used to be billboards, magazines or Picture of a collage showing video clip icons, and movie-cameranewspapers a lot time ago. Today, the best way to attract and engage the customers could begin with a short video to promote your business by leaving an impressive message, quickly. Use of short videos to promote your business can get magical results for you.

Use of short videos for advertising picked up with Television ads when we could see people getting hooked on to get the message that was dying to reach them through other media. Whether it is an elevator pitch or a sales pitch, any message can be beautifully delivered through a video with catchy phrases, punch lines, colorful fonts, impressionable imagery, and a dialogue form.

In the initial days of television advertising, people tried to avoid the ads by lowering the volume but today, most people enjoy watching them. With popularity of new media and the booming young population using them, videos have become a powerful tool of communication. A sample video can be seen below.

The video inserted above talks about the business writing services offered by Ascezen Consulting. There can be videos talking about how to use a product or a tool. You can create one for anything you would like to demonstrate or use in training. This one has been created using a pretty simple video creation tool but there is good deal of thinking, planning, and design work before you get that short video to say it all.

It is challenging indeed to keep your message short enough to be covered in a video. As an entrepreneur, you might have volumes to say about the products or services you offer but your audience has limited time. You can’t have their full attention for more than 2-3 minutes. An instructional design professional or an e-learning developer knows the finer points of creating an appealing and effective video.

At Ascezen Consulting, we are capable of creating short videos such as the one above that we did for ourselves. Drop a line to know more about the type of videos we can do for you.