Tag - search engine

How does an idle website hurt your business?

As per the topic "idle website hurts business", this image shows a man browsing through a website on his laptop.

On the internet, your website is your identity. If you have a professional looking, dynamic website bundled with engaging content, it will not just attract visitors but compel them to come back again and again. Unfortunately, many businesses that have opted to create a digital presence for themselves have failed to utilize it to its full potential. Find out how does an idle website hurt your business.

What’s an idle website?

An idle website is one that is never updated once it is created. This happens when business owners follow a ‘create and forget’ approach, where in spite of having a well-designed website at hand, it is either lying idle or hasn’t been updated in ages. An idle website is just as good as an apparel store that does not change its display. People may pass by sparing a glance or two, but they will not stay or come back again. Now this cannot be good for any organisation, especially a business.

Having a good website is just the first step in establishing your identity. It is the fresh content and frequent updates that instill the confidence among visitors that you know what you’re doing and you can actually help them. A static website, on the other hand, will result in scepticism and uncertainty.

Another important reason for not leaving your website idle is web rankings. It is the job of the web crawlers to scan the internet for web pages, make note of every update and add it to the search engine’s index. Your site’s ranking changes whenever you update it with quality content. Therefore, frequent updates mean more visibility and higher rankings.

There are several other reasons why an idle website is not good for you, such as:

• Creates a Lasting Impression

Your website reflects your business on the internet and people know when they are being served outdated content. If you want to ensure long-term success, it is important that your site has the ability to engage and compel visitors to come back again and again.

• Communication

A website is the only way of communicating with potential customers until they decide to get in touch with you via e-mail or phone. Even that will depend on whether or not your site is convincing enough to assure them that you have the solutions they look for. The content on you website should be dynamic enough to let them know that you seek innovation and are constantly looking to offer creative solutions.

• Accessibility

Most businesses are not likely to operate through-out day and night. Even if they do, there is some kind of time restriction that needs to be followed. But unlike a brick and mortar presence, websites let visitors have 24/7 access to the information they want. They may visit the site as per convenience without the added pressure of having to avail the services simply because they asked for information.

• Competitive Disadvantage

An idle website will allow your competitor’s to have an edge over you. Think about it – They have a website that they are frequently upgrading with fresh content. This is not only translating to more visitor traffic but is also giving them better web rankings, better visibility and more business. Where does that leave you?

Refreshing your website with new information every now and then builds your credibility and tells your visitors that you understand the importance of being prevalent in the today’s time.

At Ascezen Consulting, we produce engaging content that suits the target audience. Get in touch with us to know how we can help you stay ahead and achieve your business goals.


Why does your Business need Content Marketing?

Why do you need Content Marketing?

an illustration depicting the elements of content marketing: target, analysis, research, content creation, platfroms and channels, feedback.

The marketing world in its entirety believes in the immense potential of Content Marketing. It is quite contextual in nature and this makes it very hard to provide a specific definition of the term. How a content marketing strategy is implemented depends from person to person or rather from organization to organization. Although a single, all-inclusive definition of this concept may not be present, various experts have tried their hand at defining it from time to time.

Gartner defines content marketing as “the process and practice of creating, curating and cultivating text, video, images, graphics, e-books, white papers and other content assets that are distributed through paid, owned and earned media. These assets are used to tell stories that help brands build and nurture relationships with customers, prospects and other audiences to drive awareness, generate demand, influence preference and build loyalty.”

According to Content Marketing Institute, Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience–with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

To put it simply, content marketing is about marketing of an organization or a brand through sharing insightful, educational or entertaining information using channels such as blogs, pictures, e-books, audio-video, social media posts, infographics and so on. The purpose is to influence the user, stimulate interest in a product/service or influence a purchase decision.

Depending upon content strategy, here are a few channels for content marketing:

  • Blog posts

  • Emails

  • Videos

  • Social media posts

  • Infographics

  • Assessments

  • Images

  • Apps

  • Podcasts

Content marketing can help your organization in a number of ways. Here are a few reasons why you should focus on it:

  1. To Improve your search engine result rankings

Content can help you earn a better rank in the search engine results. Regularly posting relevant content will increase your chances to be found. It can help enhance the effect of your SEO efforts. Quality content will attract more traffic to your website, thus improving its authority and relevance.

If your content is created strategically and meets the expectations of your audience, you can have a better place in the search engine rankings.

  1. To grow your web traffic

There are a number of ways content can help you in generating more traffic. Some of them are:

  • Efficient distribution and sharing of content
  • Blog posts offering useful information
  • Connecting with users through social media posts
  1. For better lead generation and conversion rates

Content provides you a way to connect with your target audience/customers. It offers a number of insights for identifying prospective customers and converting them. Appropriate and engaging content will make your users spend more time on the website and increase your chances of influencing their decision.  High quality, informative content will help you build trust between you and your target audience and increase the conversion rate. Here are a few ways you can generate lead through content marketing:

  • Create engaging, high-quality content
  • Offer your audience an incentive
  • Pay attention to inbound marketing
  • Address your audience through a webinar
  • Use testimonials and case studies
  1. To ensure users give your website more time

If you keep posting relevant and informative content regularly, the users will spend more time going through your website. This will improve your chances of influencing them and convincing them to use your service or product.

  1. To increase brand awareness

Offering great content will help you produce brand awareness.  If you think your content is much more than self- promotion, endorse it through social networking sites. This way you can stand out among your competitors as most of them would focus only on content related to sales promotion.  This is a great way to earn recognition in the market.

Providing valuable content on regular basis will also help you strengthen your relationship with your customers. They may also become your brand advocate and promote and share your content, thus generating more traffic.

  1. For building a strong relationship with customers

Engaging content will help you in building and maintaining a strong relationship with your customers. As mentioned earlier, content which focuses on things beyond sales and promotion will definitely intrigue the users. Provide valuable tips and information through your content so that your audience may find it of great value.

It will not be wrong to say that content is still the king, even after all these years. In order to make the most out of it, you need to keep up with the ever changing trends in the world of content marketing. Being clear about your goals and knowing your target audience are a few prerequisites of framing an effective content marketing strategy.

If done right, content marketing can help you reach your organizational goals and stand out among your competitors.

At Ascezen Consulting Pvt Ltd, we produce engaging, usable and enriching content that attracts the target audience and helps in building a relationship of trust. This is what makes our content writing services rank among the best content writing companies in India. Get in touch with us to know how we can help you gain attention and build rapport with your customers.


Digital Marketing Spread: SEO

Digital Marketing begins with Search Engine Optimization

Under Digital Marketing services, it augurs well to start off with a website that primarily serves its purpose by fulfilling the information needs of the target audience.

Image lists the Digital Marketing services (SEO) offered by Ascezen Consulting. The list includes phases in SEO process: 1-Analyze-website, 2-keyword-research, 3-competitor-research, 4-Define-Objectives,5-Create-content,6-Optimize-website,7-Monitor and fine tune, 8-Report Metrics

Search Engine Optimization or SEO for a website belongs to a rather recent genre of web technology since the inception of internet. There was a time when your website was perceived as merely a cosmetic tool for registering your brand presence on the World Wide Web. With the concept of E-Commerce gaining more roots and increasing competition, your website evolved further into a reach multiplying tool. However, today it is a different story.

As we speak, your website has evolved into your business extension outlet, open 24×7, directing new customers to your business as well as taking your brand into relatively newer markets. It also enables you to attain better conversion rates. Now since websites don’t do it on their own, the process that enables them to do so is called – Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO is a digital marketing strategy which affects the visibility of your website in the search results displayed by  any search engine, primarily Google. These results, featuring your website or not, are given by search engines in response to a certain set of keywords or a phrase posted by an internet user. Closer the content of your website matches with the keyword sought by user, higher will be your visibility ranking in the search results page. Other content parameters that play a significant role are: originality, simplicity, correctness, meaningfulness and readability.

For example, a random user types Digital Marketing Services Lucknow, and you are a Digital Marketing agency  based in Lucknow, SEO will ensure that your website content is “optimized” to match the query of that user or any other users as well seeking similar results. The “optimized” content is naturally the content with the highest ranking by a search engine such as Google.

Who does SEO?

A lots of agencies will tell you – ‘Not everyone can do SEO, only agencies are good at it and hence, authorized to do it for you.’

We believe anyone can do SEO, provided they do not have any other business concern to delve into. Reason being that SEO is:

  • A constant process: SEO is not a one-time solution, rather a continuous process to achieve organic growth.
  • An evolving dimension: Technologies and processes change almost every alternate day.
  • Time taking process: Neither is SEO instant. Rather results are derived by a sustained and planned strategy implemented over a period of time.

Having said that, there are some people who love to customize their bikes, modify their cars, able to personalize their office computers, configure software, and do SEO simultaneously. However, there are other set of people who realize the fact that every field required specialized professionals who excel at bringing about the industry standard results. And that they love doing their job!

Therefore, for anyone who seeks their website ranked top in search results, would certainly opt for a dedicated specialized digital marketing agency for SEO.

How to determine a good Digital Marketing Services Agency?

In the realm of SEO, there are a lot of strategies to be employed, with the objective of pushing the ranking of your website higher in the search results. However, a few of these practices are discouraged uniformly by all search engines. These techniques usually will stuff your website with a content that is laced with keywords, however will be of little benefit to the end user.

As such, your website will definitely be ranked higher for a certain amount of time. However, in the long run it will not only ruin your brand name, defer your original customer base but also might affect in your website getting blacklisted by the search engine.

A lot of Digital Marketing services agencies promise quick results with SEO. Most of these utilize the discouraged SEO practices or Black Hat SEO as it is more commonly known. White Hat SEO, on the other hand, focuses on objective building of your Website’s architecture, design and content. This results in not only building your website ranking generically, but also maintains the ranking as the content is found relevant to users’ requirements. Going a step further, it also extrapolates your website content to the ever expanding social media by means of blogs, tweets, mentions or posts that would in turn lead the users to your website.

A good Digital Marketing services provider, therefore, excels not only in the excellent content building, and keeping the SEO keyword policies updated in your website SEO but also in its integration with the relevant social media platforms.

Why choose Ascezen Consulting?

Ascezen Consulting understands that your website is more of Sales-driven platform and therefore it should be easy to reach. We ensure that it is built in such a way that it is able to register high in rankings as compared to your competitor. Since its inception, Ascezen specializes in offering Digital Marketing services to the prominent corporate clients as well as startup ventures. As such our worklabs are always updated on every new trend in the scope of Digital Marketing services that begins with SEO.

At Ascezen, we promise results far exceeding expectations. Ask Why? Because we can.

Visit our digital marketing services pags for a detailed overview.