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How can content writing training help your writing career?

A collage depicting terms related with Training. Ascezen Consulting offers content writing training in Lucknow, India

Being a content writer is not just about churning out articles one after the other. It requires a person to play many roles – a reporter, a salesperson, SEO and marketing specialist, an expert. You could be writing for a government website one day and a corporate blog after that. Career as a content writer is a challenging one and the most difficult is striking a balance between presenting your ideas in a simple and forthright yet engaging manner.  Pursuing a content writing training program is a sure shot way to succeed as a content writer.

This is something that is achieved with time, practice and training and to accomplish this you should be able to gauge what your audience is looking for and what is the most meaningful way of reaching out to them. However, this is just one aspect of content writing and to establish yourself as an accomplished content writer, you should be able to keep-up with the rapidly changing digital space. This requires constant improvement in skills and knowledge, which can be achieved through training.

Genres of Content

There are also some other important aspects that aspiring content writers must be aware of, such as:

  1. Business Content Writing

Content writing at large means writing for the internet. It takes many forms such as articles, columns, websites and even blogs even though they are comparatively less formal in their language and approach. It is also used as an umbrella term to include business writing (newsletters, power point presentations, proposals etc.); web writing (online columns, e-magazines); marketing and SEO writing, copy writing among others.  SEO and marketing being one of the most challenging and in-demand genres in India right now and require a very target-oriented and strategic approach.

  1. Technical Writing

This is a specialized field and people with some sort of technological knowledge about the subject are usually preferred. This genre caters to the demand for white papers, guides, instruction manuals, etc. Basically precise and accurate documents that will provide users with product related technical assistance by transforming complex information into simple user manuals.

  1. Creative Writing

Creative writing goes beyond other forms of writing to capture the unique writing style of a person. It may be fiction, non-fiction, poetry writing, speech writing, script writing, short stories, novels – all are a part of this genre. Copy writing, though used for marketing, is also a considered creative writing as copywriters; especially those in advertising are responsible for the catchy phrases and jingles that engage the audiences.

Animated graphic depicting a classroom training in progress as the whiteboard displays text - Become Ascezen Certified Content Writer. Pursue content writing training in Lucknow, India

Content writing training – Processes

Like everything else, writing too involves a process which must be followed to deliver quality content. Although the process will vary as per the writer’s style, there are some basics which remain the same:

  • Research
  • Know your audience
  • Content Development (Drafting, SEO, Image optimization etc.)
  • Proof reading, Editing
  • Publishing content online

Knowledge about project management, concepts and techniques of writing are some other important things to know to give your content that edge over others and achieve the desired goals.

Content Writing Training – Tools

Writing is a complex process and there are times when even the most talented writers struggle to produce content. To make the process simpler, there are a plethora of writing tools available that make a writer’s life easy, letting their creativity take over without any hindrances. A writer can utilize some awesome tools for grammar help, plagiarism check, and improving SEO effectiveness of the web content.

A broad outline of our content writing training course is as follows:

  • U.S. Vs U.K. English
  • Gender Neutral Language
  • Plagiarism What? How to detect, control and avoid?
  • Formal vs Informal Content
  • Writing for Websites, Blogs
  • Search Engine friendly content
  • Newsletters, Magazines
  • Case Studies
  • Business Proposals, Pre-sales, RFP, RFI
  • Company, Management Profile
  • Brochures
  • Presentations: Importance, Uses, Types, How to create, How to Deliver (Business communication)
  • Project reports
  • Synopsis
  • White paper
  • Research paper

Get in touch with us to know how content writing training at Ascezen can help you develop your content writing skills needed to bag a content writer job.


Be counted among the Top-notch Content Writers in India

Be counted among the Top-notch Content Writers in India

content-writing-training at Lucknow, India by Ascezen Consulting to deliver the best content writers in India

Going digital is no longer a matter of popularity. Having the presence on the world wide web has become a necessity. Businesses in India are shifting their operations online and are constantly working towards gaining a strong foothold on the web using high quality content created by top-notch content writers in India. To produce specific, compelling and targeted content, the search for content writing talent and the best content writers is on.

Content writing, as the name suggests, means writing content for a wide variety of audience available through websites, newsletters and brochures, emails, flyers and so on. Even though writers have always been valued in media and journalism, digitization has given the demand of quality content writers a massive push.

Demand for Content Writers in India

Earlier, content creation in the form of articles, news items and scripts, was limited to media such as print, radio and television. However, with the increasing internet penetration and the need to access information at a few mouse clicks, the world needs many more content writers who can deliver quality content.

For some reasons, despite the increased demand, there is still a considerable scarcity of good content writers in India. Quite a lot of content writers in India are unable to meet the industry standards and produce engaging, effective content. There is a vast difference between the demand and supply of the writers in the country and some reasons that can be understood are as follows:

  • Societal Perception
  • Lack of professional content writing training
  • Inadequate training on the job

There has been a perception in India that writers can never make good money. On top of it, the society and primarily the parents play a dominant role in choosing a career for their child. Mostly with that background, budding writers are seldom motivated to take up writing as a career. So, it is never easy for an aspiring writer to ask parents for sponsoring a training in content writing, technical writing or anything similar.

Like any other profession, content writing too presents its own challenges and opportunities. As traditional marketing is seeing a decline, content writing holds immense potential in its avatar of content marketing and the sheer scale of opportunities that the industry is promising cannot be overlooked.

It wouldn’t be naive to claim that content creation will never become outdated. In fact, right from big corporations to start-ups, everyone will need more content as part of their marketing strategies, especially in this age of user-generated content.

Need for Content Writing Training

Those aspiring writers who take on a content writing or technical job after a few internship stints are trained on the job. Now, it largely depends on the organizations they were employed at or the people they have worked with, to train them as writers. It would purely a game of chance that such interns or junior writers were trained by a professional writer or someone who has good understanding of the domain. A good writer comes out only when the organization is process-driven and doesn’t make an exception for the content department to operate on ad hoc basis. Since most organizations do not have a regular content department in place, they have no means to train and groom people on writing skills.

The answer lies in Training. Today, there are good number of training institutions in India that deliver high quality training in Content Writing, Technical Writing or Instructional Design. The aspiring writers must invest in training themselves to get hired by the high-paying, reputed organizations in India and abroad.

Most people keen on pursuing a career in content writing or development feel that writing ability is the only skill required to become a writer but that is far from being true. Besides having a natural flair for writing, there are other skills needed as well and these can be acquired through structured and balanced content writing training.

At Ascezen Consulting Private Limited – a Lucknow based Content Writing Services Provider, we offer content and technical writing training for aspiring and junior writers to hone their skills and groom them to be ready enough to work for the best IT companies in India.


On-page SEO vs. Off-page SEO: What do you really need?

An illustrations with text: on-page seo vs off page seoOn-page SEO vs. Off-page SEO: What do you really need?

Having an efficient online marketing strategy is vital if you want to thrive in today’s business world. Making a functional, user-friendly website is just the first step! You need to use SEO to impress the search engine bots so that they give you a good ranking. And as it goes, if you cannot be found in the first two pages of Google search results, you probably don’t exist. Luckily there are ample tools out there that can help you win this battle!
The job of a search engine is to find what is most relevant to what a user is searching for. It has certain criteria to determine this relevancy such as:

• Content
• User Experience
• Website performance
• Authority

Now that you know what search engines want, here are a few things which they definitely don’t want:

• Poor User Experience
• Purchased links
• Keyword stuffing


You need a website with content that can make a good impact on search engines. The process is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .
SEO focuses on optimizing a website so that it has relevant content of high quality for searchers as well as the search engines. It is also about promoting the website externally, i.e. through various methods like blogging, social sharing, social bookmarking and more.

So why do you need SEO?

If you are still asking this question, you really need to up your game! Over 67 per cent of searches are converted in a click for one of the results on the first page of the search engine result. That is exactly where you should be if you are willing to be found! SEO helps you attract more traffic to your page and increase market access. It can also effectively boost the effect of other marketing strategies such as pay per click (PPC) and retargeting.
Search Engine Optimization can be divided into two categories: On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

On-Page SEO

The name is self-explanatory! On–page SEO focuses on the pages of your website in terms of content as well as the backend of the website. It involves improving the web pages on your site in order to secure a better rank in the search engine results. Here you are in-charge of a number of factors which affect the rankings. The main on-page SEO factors are:

• Keywords and phrases
• Meta description
• Title tags
• Robots.txt
• XML sitemap
• Website performance
• Internal linking and anchor text
• Heading tags
• Search engine friendly (SEF) URL

Off-page SEO

If on-page SEO is all about your website, off-page is all about the measures taken outside your website in order to improve your rankings. It includes link-building through leaving comments on blogs, participating in forums, guest blogging, outreach and more. Reviews, brand mentions and social amplifications also hold importance in off-page optimization.

“The number and the quality of links leading to your website is taken into consideration by Google when ranking a website.”

For Google, backlinks are like a vote; it is a sign that someone outside your website trusts your content and recommends you. The main techniques used in off-page optimization are:
• Social sharing
• Guest blogging
• Brand mentions
• Manual link-building
• Self-created links

On-Page vs. Off-page…What will work best for you?

To be honest, On-page and Off-page SEO are two different processes with identical objectives. Although you need both for best results, experts are of the view that you should tackle On-page optimization before you move to Off-page SEO. The idea here is simple—make sure your content is worth promoting before you go out there are promote it!

Why should you begin with On-page SEO?

Search engines are network applications that understand a specific language. SEO especially on-page optimization involves focusing on the language search engines will understand so that they know what your website is all about. Giving them more relevant signals will increase your chances of getting a better rank.
It is only when you have taken care of everything which comes under on-page optimization you should move to off-page.
For those of you who run a small business and target local customers, On-page optimization is all you may require. If you want to reach limited users through your website, using relevant content, tags, keywords, meta-description etc. are enough to do the job.
On-page optimization, when done right, leads to enhanced user experience. A website that offers relevant information, easy navigation and a user friendly interface is what the searchers are looking for. Make sure your content is engaging and utilizes all the targeted keywords appropriately. Not only this, you also need to concentrate on the usability of your website. On-page is what you need to ensure your target users or customers find your website useful!

And remember…

Done and Dusted? Not really!

Search engine optimization isn’t a one-time thing. You need to tweak and update your website regularly in order to keep up with the ever-changing digital trends. When changes are made in a website, its SEO parameters become outdated. This is why both on-page as well as off-page optimization require constant attention.

Content is still the King!

Any search engine optimization can’t help you if your website does not provide unique, engaging and relevant content. Also, if your website offers really good content, other websites will readily offer backlinks to you. Before you set out on your journey to the first page of search engines results, make sure what you are offering is worth the time your users will spend on it!


Importance of Infographics in Marketing

Do you make use of Infographics in Marketing?

Use of infographics in marketing in very common these days. image shows some infographic elements and shapes.In this age of big data, the entire gamut of digital marketing has shifted towards processing data and information. In such an environment, it is almost binding that the presentation of data be in a lucid format that allows users to analyze and arrive at a certain decision about a product, service or trend. So, putting your data represented in an infographic form is one of the game-changing aspects that may usher in unprecedented returns for your investments.

What is an Infographic?

An Infographic is the graphical representation of a data or set of data. An Infographic data form basically repaints mundane or at times, complex information in a manner that gets a trending response from its subscribers. An infographic that explains the steps for online shopping.

Why an Infographic?

It is often noticed that complex piece of information such as metrics or comparison of trends over years, geographies or among competitors in plain numeric or textual form, is usually hard to analyze. Plain depiction of tabular data often poses a cognitive barrier between the information and the user.

While on the other hand, the same data when arranged in forms of graphs and charts, becomes highly convenient for audience to not only understand and analyze but to also use it further. This simple phenomenon makes Infographics very useful resource for your business.

Does it help to use Infographics in marketing? 

Just like the company logo or other branding material, Infographics help you develop that special connect with your customers. Once they like your campaigns that use memorable illustrations, the brand recall improves considerably and your potential customers are likelier to remember you at the right time.

How to develop a good Infographic?

Designing a good infographic, first of all, requires a deep understanding of the company’s business: products, services, customers and target base. This determines the information that needs to be presented for everyone’s consumption. It is necessary to ensure that it does not go against the business ethics or is not debatable.

The next step towards developing attractive infographics is to acquire an expert graphic designer who can visualize and translate this data into visually appealing creatives that can attract maximum attention once shared across various platforms.

Who can develop a good Infographic for you?

While the idea of developing an Infographic might sound simple, yet you should know that it requires sophistication and a certain skill set. Remember that a poor design may bring more of harm than utility to your brand.

Of course, the best infographic content will come from your business development team itself. However, it might serve better to get fresh ideas from an agency. So, it is wiser to hire a creative agency with proper credentials as well ensure that the team members on board are mature enough to understand your business dynamics.

Ascezen Consulting is one such agency that can deliver quality infographics within the budget constraints.

Why Ascezen?

The team behind Ascezen Consulting Pvt. Ltd. carries vast industry experience. The talent that has been delivering for some of the most prominent brands in IT, Retail and Hospitality sectors will now be focused to create value for your brand, while putting latest tools and best practices available at your disposal.