Tag - ecommerce

Grow your Business with IT Enabling: A Webinar

TiE Lucknow organized an online discussion on the topic “Grow your Business with IT-enabling” keeping with the organization’s key objectives. It is worth making a note that Qais Mujeeb, M.D., Ascezen Consulting was one of the speakers for the knowledge sharing event.

About TiE
The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals with roots in the Indus region.
With 61 chapters across 18 countries. TiE’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, education, and funding.

Tie Lucknow started functioning in 2014 under TiE Uttar Pradesh chapter, which was operating from Kanpur. In 2015, Lucknow chapter was started to build and strengthen the start-up ecosystem in Lucknow. Each year, TiE Lucknow has a line-up of events such as knowledge series, Entrepreneurs’ stories, start-up funding and so on.

About the Webinar

The “Grow your Business with IT-enabling” webinar was focused on informing entrepreneurs and business owners about the ways to automate business operations using technology and strengthen the Digital Presence of their businesses. The event was exclusively designed for Online sellers, Retailers and Manufacturers. The agenda of the session was to educate the online sellers, retailers and manufacturers about:

  1. Outsourcing the Website development and Digital Marketing operations
  2. Tracking the work progress and efficacy of Digital Marketing Campaigns
  3. Increasing sales through social media and web
  4. Digitizing internal processes/Backend Operations
  5. Some easy-to-use tools and apps

The speakers talked about all the pros and cons and the kind of digital marketing engagement that could be relevant and useful for the small businesses or start-ups. They discussed the challenges faced by first generation entrepreneurs such as:

  • Hiring the right kind of talent
  • Managing the Digital Marketing team without the know-how
  • Bearing the high cost of hiring and managing the team

Outsourcing is generally better for small businesses as you get professional help, broader knowledge stack (not limited to single technology), saves times, shortens the time-to-market, no training needed and flexible costing. You can get a reliable vendor through some personal references or generic research on the web. You can benefit by reading reviews and testimonials, learn about previous projects they have handled. Start small to see that you can communicate with them, trust them and get work done in a timely manner. It’s always recommended to outsource as it keeps you on the authoritative position and gives you less stress and worries about the digital handling of your business and you can keep a regular track of it yourself. The time you save can be utilized on other important aspects of running your business in an efficient way.

How can a business realize growth in revenue through social media?

  • Be where your audience is (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Etsy, Pinterest)
  • Building a relationship with your prospects
  • Establishing yourself as an industry expert, educate your audience
  • Post often and consistently
  • Vary content to keep it fresh (eBooks, podcasts, webinars, photos/videos)
  • Use latest trends to increase brand visibility
  • User generated content -> Loyal customers -> Brand advocates
  • Answer follower questions and comments
  • Engage the visitors with Chatbots and quick responses over messengers
  • Optimize social media presence (to make information easily accessible)
  • Research the target audience
  • Try Influencer marketing
  • Invest in social media advertising
    To know more about IT enabling your business or growing your business using website and social media, get in touch with Ascezen Consulting today. You can even check out the recorded session on Tie Lucknow YouTube channel.
