Digital Marketing Spread: SEO

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Digital Marketing Spread: SEO

Digital Marketing begins with Search Engine Optimization

Under Digital Marketing services, it augurs well to start off with a website that primarily serves its purpose by fulfilling the information needs of the target audience.

Image lists the Digital Marketing services (SEO) offered by Ascezen Consulting. The list includes phases in SEO process: 1-Analyze-website, 2-keyword-research, 3-competitor-research, 4-Define-Objectives,5-Create-content,6-Optimize-website,7-Monitor and fine tune, 8-Report Metrics

Search Engine Optimization or SEO for a website belongs to a rather recent genre of web technology since the inception of internet. There was a time when your website was perceived as merely a cosmetic tool for registering your brand presence on the World Wide Web. With the concept of E-Commerce gaining more roots and increasing competition, your website evolved further into a reach multiplying tool. However, today it is a different story.

As we speak, your website has evolved into your business extension outlet, open 24×7, directing new customers to your business as well as taking your brand into relatively newer markets. It also enables you to attain better conversion rates. Now since websites don’t do it on their own, the process that enables them to do so is called – Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO is a digital marketing strategy which affects the visibility of your website in the search results displayed by  any search engine, primarily Google. These results, featuring your website or not, are given by search engines in response to a certain set of keywords or a phrase posted by an internet user. Closer the content of your website matches with the keyword sought by user, higher will be your visibility ranking in the search results page. Other content parameters that play a significant role are: originality, simplicity, correctness, meaningfulness and readability.

For example, a random user types Digital Marketing Services Lucknow, and you are a Digital Marketing agency  based in Lucknow, SEO will ensure that your website content is “optimized” to match the query of that user or any other users as well seeking similar results. The “optimized” content is naturally the content with the highest ranking by a search engine such as Google.

Who does SEO?

A lots of agencies will tell you – ‘Not everyone can do SEO, only agencies are good at it and hence, authorized to do it for you.’

We believe anyone can do SEO, provided they do not have any other business concern to delve into. Reason being that SEO is:

  • A constant process: SEO is not a one-time solution, rather a continuous process to achieve organic growth.
  • An evolving dimension: Technologies and processes change almost every alternate day.
  • Time taking process: Neither is SEO instant. Rather results are derived by a sustained and planned strategy implemented over a period of time.

Having said that, there are some people who love to customize their bikes, modify their cars, able to personalize their office computers, configure software, and do SEO simultaneously. However, there are other set of people who realize the fact that every field required specialized professionals who excel at bringing about the industry standard results. And that they love doing their job!

Therefore, for anyone who seeks their website ranked top in search results, would certainly opt for a dedicated specialized digital marketing agency for SEO.

How to determine a good Digital Marketing Services Agency?

In the realm of SEO, there are a lot of strategies to be employed, with the objective of pushing the ranking of your website higher in the search results. However, a few of these practices are discouraged uniformly by all search engines. These techniques usually will stuff your website with a content that is laced with keywords, however will be of little benefit to the end user.

As such, your website will definitely be ranked higher for a certain amount of time. However, in the long run it will not only ruin your brand name, defer your original customer base but also might affect in your website getting blacklisted by the search engine.

A lot of Digital Marketing services agencies promise quick results with SEO. Most of these utilize the discouraged SEO practices or Black Hat SEO as it is more commonly known. White Hat SEO, on the other hand, focuses on objective building of your Website’s architecture, design and content. This results in not only building your website ranking generically, but also maintains the ranking as the content is found relevant to users’ requirements. Going a step further, it also extrapolates your website content to the ever expanding social media by means of blogs, tweets, mentions or posts that would in turn lead the users to your website.

A good Digital Marketing services provider, therefore, excels not only in the excellent content building, and keeping the SEO keyword policies updated in your website SEO but also in its integration with the relevant social media platforms.

Why choose Ascezen Consulting?

Ascezen Consulting understands that your website is more of Sales-driven platform and therefore it should be easy to reach. We ensure that it is built in such a way that it is able to register high in rankings as compared to your competitor. Since its inception, Ascezen specializes in offering Digital Marketing services to the prominent corporate clients as well as startup ventures. As such our worklabs are always updated on every new trend in the scope of Digital Marketing services that begins with SEO.

At Ascezen, we promise results far exceeding expectations. Ask Why? Because we can.

Visit our digital marketing services pags for a detailed overview.

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